Faculty and Staff
Accardi-Harrison, Kelby
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- kharrison2@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Acker, Lauren
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857825
- lacker@yilunjianshe.com
- C427
Ahn, Alexandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- aahn5@yilunjianshe.com
Alameddine, Zein
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- zalameddine@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Alex, Bridget
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- balex@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Altman, Jonathan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jaltman1@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Alvarado, Thea
Dean, Social Sciences and Distance Education
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857651
- tsalvarado@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Alvarez, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- talvarez7@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Anderson, Suzanne
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857495
- sjanderson@yilunjianshe.com
- C347
Andrus, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- dandrus@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Appelbaum, Lauren
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- lappelbaum@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Arenson, Lauren
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857736
- ljarenson@yilunjianshe.com
- C320
Arevalo, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- sarevalo13@yilunjianshe.com
Arida, Tamara
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tarida@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Arroyo, Lizzette
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- larroyo2@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Atkins, Sharona
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- satkins2@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Averette-Phillips, Omari
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- oaverette@yilunjianshe.com
Baldovino, Harvey
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- hbaldovino@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Barrington, Taylor
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tbarrington@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Beard, Cheryl
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853264
- cxbeard@yilunjianshe.com
- C349
Beck-Wegner, Noemi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857685
- nbeckwegner@yilunjianshe.com
- C313
Ben Ghorbal, Sarra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- sbenghorbal@yilunjianshe.com
- 00321
Bhadha, Mithra
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mbhadha@yilunjianshe.com
Bhadha, Bakhtawar
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853362
- brbhadha@yilunjianshe.com
- C425
Bill, Emily
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- ebill@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Borrege, Joseph
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- jpborrege@yilunjianshe.com
- R201
Brewster, Jarred
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jbrewster3@yilunjianshe.com
Brown, Teejay
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857418
- ebrown63@yilunjianshe.com
- C403
Brown, Malaika
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- mbrown19@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Burgwin, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mburgwin@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Cairo, Eduardo
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857745
- eacairo@yilunjianshe.com
- C407
Campbell, Stephen
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- scampbell6@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Cardenas, Madonna
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857747
- mcardenas43@yilunjianshe.com
- C121-F
Cashell, Judy
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jfcashell@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Catalano, Francis
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- fjcatalano@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Chaboya, Francesca
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857743
- fchaboya@yilunjianshe.com
- C352-D
Coates, Julia
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jcoates@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Cody, Robert
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rlcody@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Coltman, Lee
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- ldcoltman@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Coren, Amy
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857685
- acoren@yilunjianshe.com
- C313
Coto, Monica
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857339
- mcoto2@yilunjianshe.com
- C309
De La O, Ismael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- idelao@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Drazic, Philip
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- pdrazic@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Dunbar, Beverley
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857591
- bdunbar@yilunjianshe.com
- C342
Dunn, Kathleen
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857823
- kdunn2@yilunjianshe.com
- C121-G
Ennis, Kelli
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853099
- kennis@yilunjianshe.com
- C429
Estrada, Veronica
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- vestrada13@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Fabros, Michelle
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mfabros@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Farrar, Robert
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rfarrar@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Felix, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- mfelix9@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Fennessy, Christopher
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- cfennessy@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Feser, Edward
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853206
- ecfeser@yilunjianshe.com
- C407
Fiebig, Jennifer
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857891
- jfiebig@yilunjianshe.com
- C121F
Flores, Ariana
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857119
- aflores283@yilunjianshe.com
- C352A
Flores, Tida
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- txflores@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ford, Ryan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rwford@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Forman, Kurt
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- krforman@yilunjianshe.com
Fortun, Benjamin
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- bfortun@yilunjianshe.com
Francoso, Anthony
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857576
- afrancoso@yilunjianshe.com
- C352A
Galvan, Eddie
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- exgalvan@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
George-Nichol, Jesse
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jgeorgenichol@yilunjianshe.com
Goldberg, Siobhan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- sgoldberg@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Goldsmith, Meredith
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857014
- mgoldsmith1@yilunjianshe.com
- C320
Gonzalez, Jordan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jgonzalez466@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Gosset-Swann, Daisy
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- dgossetswann@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Green, Ashley
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- agreen6@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Green, Marcus
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853307
- mgreen25@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Gurtovoy, Jason
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jgurtovoy@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Hall, Jennifer
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- jhall38@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Hamman, Daniel
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853021
- dehamman@yilunjianshe.com
- C352C
Harris, John
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jpharris@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Henninger, Sashur
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857742
- slhenninger@yilunjianshe.com
- V203-B
Heupler, Edward
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- efheupler@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Holden, Jennifer
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857236
- jholden3@yilunjianshe.com
- C316
Howard, Ryan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- rhoward6@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Hwang, Joseph
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857941
- jhwang17@yilunjianshe.com
- C121G
Ibanez, Florante
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- fibanez@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ireland Galman, Michelle
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857407
- mmireland-galman@yilunjianshe.com
- C320
Jackson, Katrin
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- kjackson12@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Jagusch, Casey
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- cjagusch@yilunjianshe.com
- C322
Jalali, Shayda
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857051
- sjalali@yilunjianshe.com
- C320
Joachim, Gunner
- Social Sciences
- gjoachim@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Johannsen, Rebecca
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857526
- rjohannsen@yilunjianshe.com
- C425
Johnson, Tonmar
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- tjohnson104@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Johnson, Lance
Professor Emeritus
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- lkjohnson@yilunjianshe.com
- C425
Johnston, Bradford
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857569
- bdjohnston@yilunjianshe.com
- C313
Joya, Martha
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mjoya1@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Juge, Tony
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853278
- tsjuge@yilunjianshe.com
- C401
Kim, Seyoung
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- skim113@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Kim, Sung
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857737
- shkim@yilunjianshe.com
- C352B
Kim, Jenni
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857741
- jleekim@yilunjianshe.com
- C352B
Kiotas, Julie
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857498
- ajkiotas@yilunjianshe.com
- C411
Kohpahl, Gabriele
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- gxkohpahl@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Kolba, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tkolba@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Kryczka, Anna
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857875
- akryczka@yilunjianshe.com
- C349
Lai, Denise
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- dlai9@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Lai, Cherry
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- clai17@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Lamar, Catherine
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853343
- clamar@yilunjianshe.com
- C350
Lamar, Shelby
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- slamar1@yilunjianshe.com
Lawton, Judith
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jlawton@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Lee, Daehwan
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853044
- dxlee@yilunjianshe.com
- C403
Levy, Eli
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- elevy1@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ling, Susie
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857335
- shling@yilunjianshe.com
- C431A
Lookholder, Katie
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857974
- klookholder@yilunjianshe.com
- C347
Lopez, Oswaldo
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- olopez40@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Lopez, Jose
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jrlopez@yilunjianshe.com
- C320
Lubisich, Efrosenya
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- elubisich@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Lue, Chad
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- cxlue@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Madanipour, Ali
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- amadanipour@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Martin, Harold
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- hfmartin@yilunjianshe.com
Martinez, Alicia
Administrative Assistant II
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853265
- ammartinez@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Matacotta, Joshua
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jmatacotta@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Matthews, Lisa
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- lmatthews1@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Mayoral, Roxanne
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- rmayoral@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Mekhitarian, Azniv
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853306
- amekhitarian@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Mikhailik, Roxanna
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- rmikhailik@yilunjianshe.com
- 00440
Miller, Jonathan
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857406
- jmiller26@yilunjianshe.com
- C425
Milne, Derek
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857447
- dbmilne@yilunjianshe.com
- C309
Morris, Sanja
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- sxmorris@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Mozzini, Adriane
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- amozzini@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Muno, Sarah
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857881
- smuno@yilunjianshe.com
- C121G
Murray, Andrea
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853365
- apmurray@yilunjianshe.com
- C309
Nicolaides, Christina
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853143
- cnicolaides@yilunjianshe.com
- C309
Noble, Jennifer
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853364
- janoble@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Novack, Alexander
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- anovack@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Nuccio, Elisabeth
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- enuccio@yilunjianshe.com
Nuttall, Adora
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853185
- anuttall@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Occhiato, Patrick
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- pocchiato@yilunjianshe.com
Ortega, Elizabeth
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- eortega12@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ovanessian, Vahik
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- vovanessian@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Pacas, Edgar
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- eapacas@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Panossian, Armig
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- apanossian2@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Paz de la Vega, Luis
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- lpazdelavega@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ponce-Guandique, Coralia
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- cponceguandique@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Preston, Jennifer
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857355
- jpreston@yilunjianshe.com
- C121F
Price, Paul
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857748
- pcprice@yilunjianshe.com
- C121B
Pringle, Lisa
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- lpringle@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Prior, Emily
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- eeprior@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Pritchard-Parker, Mari
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- mapritchard-parker@yilunjianshe.com
Puglia, Kaitzer
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857479
- kppuglia@yilunjianshe.com
- C349
Quinn, Lori
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- ljquinn@yilunjianshe.com
Ramirez, Naomi
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- nramirez55@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ramos, Gilbert
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- glramos@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Randall, Robert
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857055
- rlrandall@yilunjianshe.com
- C427
Regan, Philip
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853109
- pgregan@yilunjianshe.com
- C405
Reyes, Samuel
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- sreyes103@yilunjianshe.com
Reyes, Garnet
Intermediate Clerk II
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857249
- greyes3@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ring, Jenne
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jlring@yilunjianshe.com
Rock, Patrick
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853348
- prock@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Rodriguez, Christine
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- crodriguez@yilunjianshe.com
Rogacs, Lynora
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853366
- larogacs@yilunjianshe.com
- C411
Rojas, Leticia
Teacher Coord/Assistant Profsr
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853347
- lrojas12@yilunjianshe.com
- C347
Rusk, Jessica
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jarusk@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Sachtjen, Tracy
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853279
- tasachtjen@yilunjianshe.com
- C316
Sakhon, Stella
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857839
- ssakhon@yilunjianshe.com
- C149B
Sangervasi, Michael
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- msangervasi@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Schulz, Vanessa
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- vaschulz@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Scotti, Zeph
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- zscotti@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Seligman, Ross
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857341
- raseligman@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Sera, James
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jcsera@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Serrano-Careaga, Jesus
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857476
- jserranocareaga@yilunjianshe.com
- C403
Shin, Albert
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857824
- ashin5@yilunjianshe.com
- C313
Singer, James
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jssinger@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
St. Clair, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- dstclair@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Starkey, James
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jstarkey@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Staudenraus, Megan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857375
- mstaudenraus@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Stevens, Christine
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857624
- cstevens6@yilunjianshe.com
- C342
Stifter, Dianna
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- dstifter@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Stroud, Linda
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857404
- ljstroud@yilunjianshe.com
- C346
Toth, Amanda
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- atoth2@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Truong, Bawl
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- btruong15@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Turner, Jasmin
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- jturner6@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Uranga, David
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857750
- djuranga@yilunjianshe.com
- C431B
Vilos, Jamie
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- jvilos@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Wilkins, Fanon
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857994
- fwilkins@yilunjianshe.com
- C352-D
Wong, Marshall
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- mwong45@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Wood, Susan
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- swood@yilunjianshe.com
Wood, Teryl
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tbasinger1@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Ybarra, David
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- djybarra@yilunjianshe.com
- C321
Zarate, Eloy
Assistant Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5853108
- eizarate@yilunjianshe.com
- C405
Zeuschner, Robert
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- rbzeuschner@yilunjianshe.com
- C427